Tuesday, 11 July 2017

HPOM v9 Config Sync Issue Workaround

I saw an issue the other day that suggested the automatic configuration synchronisation between primary and DR HPOM v9 management servers (using opccfgsync) wasn't working entirely as HP have documented.

We had a space issue on a DR server and on closer examination I saw that despite the config being copied across as expected, the cleanup variables (as described in the Admin Ref guide) were being ignored).  Subsequently, the old sync files were not being deleted and therefore the filesystem was filling up.

On investigation into the sync logfiles, I noticed a couple of errors listed in some files, so my theory is that because of this error the sync process just flips out and doesn't exit cleanly and continue with the cleanup operation.  You'd think there would be an error reported, but no.  Especially when I was running the sync as part of an HPOM schedule policy.

After a lot of head scratching, I eventually started playing with the scenario file and tweaking the original one suggested by HP to not include various settings, just to see if that made any difference.


In the end by omitting the FORWARDING_MANAGER and RESPONSIBLE_MANAGER lines (I am guessing the names as I am not in the office now) that worked and the config was copied (as indeed it seemed to have been anyway), but critically, the housekeeping now worked as designed and the number of sync files reduced to 3, deleting all of the older ones (as I wanted).


Hope this helps anyone else having issues with the sync process & housekeeping.  If you have any questions just fire me a message or check me out on FB at https://www.facebook.com/EnterpriseMonitoring

All the best,
Dave Gerrish

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