Thursday, 30 June 2016

HPOM Migration to OMi - Preparation

Just starting to take a look at OMi to plan migration from HPOM v9 - looks like a completely different and re-worked front-end.

First thing I need to do is work out all the main priorities before I can plan this in more detail - for example working out where the equivalent config items from HPOM v9 are in OMi - then I can check where functionality has been superseded in the new tool, or where any rework is required.

I have a rough plan jotted down already, so will share this with you in due course.

If you've migrated to OMi I'd appreciate your views on approach/problems etc., or if you are considering the migration yourself please sign-up and then I can keep you updated as to progress, and hopefully help you out also!

Have a great day,